Importing your customer data from a CSV file
Proofpix allows you to import your customers in bulk from a CSV file. You can do this in two places: Settings customers (this will import customers to be used at a later time) Mange event event data import csv (this will create customers and link them to the event as Known customers) This latter option is especially useful when given a list of students and their parent info for a school event as it allows you to import the customers while creating the galleries for the students usiSome readersWhat size should I upload my images?
Gallery images before order fulfillment 2048px on the long side Gallery images for order fulfillment 6000px on their long side (may be re-uploaded after order is placed) Product images 1080px wSome readersConnecting Known customers to galleries
Galleries can be given up to two different passwords. Anyone who possesses the gallery password can use it to access the gallery. If the gallery password matches a Known customer's password, then the Known customer is considered to be connected to or have "ownership" of the gallery. A Known customer may own unlimited galleries but a gallery can only have two owners (usually two parents).Some readersHow do I send an event email invitation?
You can use our built-in event email invitation system to invite your customers to view and purchase their images online. This system will automatically send a personalized email to each customer and track the number of opens, click-throughs, bounces, and unsubscribes. You can create the invitation from the Event menu Event name Event email New invitation link. You can review sent or scheduled emails from the Event menu Event name Event email Manage emailsSome readersHow do I change the watermark on my images?
If you need to add or change your watermark on files that you have already uploaded, you will need to re-upload the same images again with your desired watermark setting. You can find the watermark section by going into your dashboard>events tab>event name>upload event galleries. Watermarks There is no need to delete the original images as they will simply be overwritten as long aSome readersHow to choose your event or gallery cover images?
The Event image is a large image that is displayed in the header of your Event start page. The Event image will also be shown on the home page of your Proofpix site and in the outbound event email invitations that are sent to your clients when the event is ready. The system will automatically assign the event image when the first image is uploaded. Alternatively, you can upload a specific event image by mousing-over the event image that is shown in the Manage event side bar. UploadSome readersEverything you need to now about GalleryMagic
GalleryMagic is how we turn data into galleries automatically, saving you countless hours of data entry. We get this data several ways: When you import a CSV file of a school or sports team roster When an event form is submitted by a customer When a gallery is added via our SortMagic app For most high-volume events, there is typically a customer (parent) and their subjects (children). When importing a CSV file or creating an event registration form, you are presented with several optSome readersHow does the system automatically show the class/team photo in the subject's gallery?
Proofpix can dynamically pull images from class or team galleries into the appropriate subject's gallery when viewing the client-facing site (you will not see this in the admin). When importing your CSV data, it must include the class or team each subject belongs to in a separate column. If a subject belongs to more than one group, then there should be a separate column for each group the subject belongs to. If customers are registering via Event forms, then you must enter the class/team datSome readersEverything you need to know about Green screen
Proofpix can create real-time composites using your own backgrounds and green screen (chroma key) JPG or extracted PNG images allowing your customers to choose their favorite combination of subject and background while shopping. Once orders are placed, you are welcome to create the final, print-ready composites and re-upload them for fulfillment or you can have Proofpix do that for you.Few readersHow do I give a user access to all password-protected galleries?
It may be required to give a certain user, like an administrator, access to all password-protected galleries in an event. To do this, follow these steps: Add a or edit a Known customer in the Event settings Known customers section Open the Secure access section Check the Allow access to all password-protected galleries checkbox Save the Known customer Save the Event Watch a demo here.Few readersHow to give access to events when you are not provided customer emails
If you were provided a CSV file that does not contain your customer email addresses then we cannot create customers and link them to their galleries during the CSV import. Instead, we simply password-protect each gallery and you can disseminate the passwords using one of the following methods: Student Id as gallery password If your CSV includes a Student Id column, then you can use it to password-protect the student's gallery. While managing your event, do the following: Click Event daFew readersWhy do my uploads keep failing?
Uploads can fail for any number of reasons. Usually, re-uploading solves the problem however if you continue to get errors please try the following: Rename your files so that they only contain one "." (dot) and do not exceed 80 characters Upload only JPG or PNG files Reboot your routerFew readersVerify if images are big enough to produce products
In the event settings, there is an checkbox option that reads, Verify if image sizes are large enough to produce selected products. This option is used to make sure that you have uploaded images large enough to make the products being added to a customer's cart. This safeguard is designed to help you keep customer satisfaction high and your reprints and refunds low. This option is often overlooked and causes unnecessary confusion to your customers so you should only use it when you are usingFew readersHow do I move or copy images from one gallery to another?
Navigate to Event Event name Manage event galleries. Use the Quick view button to see inside the source gallery. Then click the first thumbnail then hold down your shift key and click the last thumbnail to select all the thumbnails. Then click the Manage selected media button Copy/Move. Then choose the destination gallery. Moving can take some time. You may see the thumbnails appear in the old gallery until they are complete. You can also move/copy images from inside tFew readersHow do I prevent my team or class images from being sold as downloads?
You may wish to offer downloads for your school or sports individual pictures but you do not want to offer your team or class group images as downloads. Here's how to set that up: Create a pricelist (clone one if you like) and do not include any downloads in it Name your pricelist something like, Team pricelist Attach that pricelist to your team/class galleries - in Manage event Mange event galleries then only the items in the pricelist will be offered for sale when the team/clasFew readersWhy do Known Customers have different settings than my event?
If a Known Customer (KC) has a different settings than the event, such as a pricelist, then the KC's setting was changed manually. If you do not want your KC to have different settings than the event then do the following: Click the Manage known customers link in the Mange event sidebar Click the Use event's payments settings checkbox Click the Use the event's shipping settings checkbox Click the checkbox in Event level sharing Use event's sharing settings Save theFew readersWorking with templates and clones
Remembering how to set up your events, pricelists or settings in general can be difficult and tedious. Fortunately, we make it easy for you to save and re-use your settings so you don't have to. Event templates Event templates allow you to save your event's settings and apply those settings to new events. You can achieve this with the following steps: Click Event settings for any event you wish to copy from Scroll down to the bottom of the page Click on the menu that says, Save thFew readersEverything you need to know about passwords
Proofpix uses different types of passwords to make accessing events as flexible as possible for many different scenarios. Event passwords Each event may be given a password. Anyone who possesses this password will be allowed to view the event. This includes the event's Start page and any public gallery (galleries without their own password) within the event. This type of password is generic, in that many people can use it and does not tell us anything about the user. Gallery passwoFew readersHow to remove the Proofpix tag line in your site footer.
If you would like to remove the small Proofpix tagline that appears in the footer of your site, paste the following code in Settings General Home page - Custom metatags and scripts section. <style>.pp-tag display:none !important </style>Few readersI forced packages to be purchased for each subject but the packages are being filled with images from any gallery.
Sometimes you may want to force a customer to purchase certain products or packages. You can also force a customer to purchase certain products and packages for each subject they are purchasing for (think siblings). You can do this either when setting up a pre-registration form or in the Event settings of your event. If you force a package for each subject, the packages will be named after each subject in the customer's cart, so it is easy to identify what package was purchased for whom. So iFew readersHow do I handle divorced parents?
CSV uploads It's not a problem handling two parents when importing a CSV. In fact the process is the same whether the parents are divorced or not. The CSV just needs columns for both parents' info all in the same row. The data can be in any order but it would look something like this: Student First Name, Student Last Name, Class, Parent 1 Email, Parent 1 First Name, Parent 1 Last Name, Parent 2 Email, Parent 2 First Name, Parent 2 Last Name Two customers will be created with separate pasFew readersHow did a customer place an order before I sent out an invitation?
Customer will only receive an invitation if you manually send one. Event invitations have to be sent out from Manage events Email invitation New invitation. The only exception to this is if you added a customer's email via the SortMagic app. In that case, we send out the user's login info on the spot. If you do not want users to view their images or place orders, you can uncheck the Event is ready checkbox in the Event settings. User's who access the event during this time, will seeFew readersHow to manually add named galleries to an event.
Navigate to Mange Events Event name Event data Sort Magic QR codes View Sort Magic codes. Click on Add galleries Select the Single gallery option *Enter the appropriate name and password (if applies) *Click SaveFew readersHow to password-protect galleries if you forgot to do so when importing a CSV
If you forgot to password-protect your galleries when importing a CSV, it is possible to correct the issue very quickly. Please watch this video.Few readersHow do I edit my files and still keep the ability for SortMagic to sort my files?
SortMagic uses the metadata in your images to sort them properly after a shoot. Sometimes you may want to edit your images before uploading. If you are editing in Lightroom, then when you export your jpeg images for upload, you must click the Copy metadata checkbox in the export dialog window. The exported jpeg images will have the same metadata as the originals. If you are editing your images elsewhere or perhaps having the backgrounds removed from an external service, there is a good chancFew readersScreenshot protection and watermarking
Unfortunately, there is no way to prohibit screenshots as the browser does not have control over the user's OS and screenshots happen from the OS as a rule. Other screen-recording software can also take screenshots. Your only true protection against image theft (and this applies to any website) is to watermark your images. Proofpix includes built-in watermarking. You may use our default "Proof" watermark, or you may upload your own custom watermark. To do so follow these steps: In any event,Few readersHow to create automated event campaigns in an event template.
It is possible to automate creating new events from a template so that you do not have to re-enter new settings or use the Event Wizard each time. Likewise, you may wish to automate your Event Campaigns so you don't have to create new ones for each new event. Here is a video that shows you how.Few readersHow do I add a custom watermark?
To add a custom watermark, please follow these steps: Pull up your event from the Manage events section Click Upload from the Manage event sidebar Select Upload new gallery Open the Watermarks section Create or upload your new watermark as indicated Once created, you will also need to upload any single image into the gallery This will save and preview the watermark for you. You may delete the gallery afterward. The watermark will then be available within the WatermarksFew readersWhy can't I connect a Known customer to a gallery?
A subject gallery can only be connected to a maximum of two Known customers. We do that by applying each Known customer's password to the gallery passwords. If you cannot connect a Known customer, then it is likely the spaces are already filled. You can double-check this by: Go to Manage event galleries and locate the gallery in question. Click Manage this gallery Click Gallery settings Click Access and password If both password spots are filled, then you will need to remove onFew readers